Wellness Warrior

3 Recovery Techniques You Should Try

3 Recovery Techniques You Should Try

As you all know, I’m BIG on trying out new fitness, recovery and wellness modalities, so I was super excited when Shaun from Koa Recovery first reached out to me. That was almost a year ago, and since then I’ve become a strong proponent of the amazing services they offer. So I wanted to share those experiences with you and tell you why these recovery modules are so amazing, how they work and how you benefit from them as well.

Healthspo Talk with Elle

Healthspo Talk with Elle

There are two reasons why today is extra special. One, I am launching my first Wholesome Stef segment called #healthspotalk. The idea is to introduce you to the amazing ladies (and hopefully sometimes gents) behind my favourite blogs and Instagrammer's and to provide you with a good dose of inspiration from around the world.

And two, I’m introducing you to the talent behind one of my favourite Instagram's @livewellewithelle: Ellie Ficken, a psychology graduate and personal trainer from Melbourne Australia. She has a beautiful and inspiring mindset and truly walks the "wellness talk". I for my part can learn the one or the other thing from her, and I hope that you will too. She has been very supportive of my blog plans since day 1 and I am happy that she pushed and encouraged me throughout. As busy as she is, she allowed me to pick her brain for this Q&A session and I couldn't be more excited to have her kick start this segment!

My Current Morning Routine

My Current Morning Routine

Living a healthier life doesn't have to be rocket science. Often it's the small things that make the difference. It can be as simple as getting out of bed a bit earlier and dedicating just a small part of your day to yourself. For me personally, having a self-centred morning routine has done amazing things to my life and that's why I would love to share my daily morning routine with you guys.