anti diet

Introducing the 6-Weeks Intensive 'Ditch The Diet' Coaching

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I just announced my first coaching intake date for 2020, and it’s going to be a SPECIAL one! This is an intensive 6-week program starting on the week of the 27th of January, and is designed to help you rid the diet mentality for good and finally make peace with your body and the food on your plate.

I'll never tell you to deprive yourself or cut out certain foods from your life. Instead, my goal is to help you recognize the toxic diet culture mentality that is no longer serving you and instead help you tune back into your body’s inner wisdom about how to truly nourish yourself—so that you can free up space in your life for bigger and better things.

I’m a big believer that your relationship to food is a direct reflection of your relationship to life itself. In that sense, food can be a beautiful doorway to a deeper understanding of oneself. And this is where health coaching can be really powerful – because whilst we may initially look at what foods are best for you to eat, we soon start looking at how you eat and why you eat the way that you do, and that can be a beautiful catalyst to big change and deeper healing.

Throughout the 6 weeks, we’ll have weekly 1 hour long on-one-one calls and there will be homework/assignments in between sessions. You will also have email support in between sessions and WhatsApp access to me personally. Essentially, I will be your accountability partner along every step of the way.

If you want to learn more about the specifics of the program, my approach, cost structure or want to make sure the two of us vibe before you commit, go ahead and book in your initial free 20 minute Discovery Call with me today. You can also read up about my approach in more detail by clicking the More Info button below. I’m super excited to hear from you.

Planning on Going On A Diet in 2020? Watch This First.

If you plan on going on a diet in 2020, watch this video first. The truth is this...

Diets don’t work.

Self loathing your body into change doesn’t work.

Using control and willpower to shape your body doesn’t work.

If it would work, it would have worked a long time ago.

And if you’re reading this, I’m guessing that deep down you already know this, but you are too scared to let go of the diet mentality. Because, how else are you supposed to know what to eat? So many of us are so out of touch with our body and so used to listening to external voices, they we don’t even know how to listen to our own bodies. I say F the diet in 2020, and instead I challenge yourself to the three small challenges I propose at the end of this video.

Much love, Stef xx