self development

The Three Ways Journaling Could Change Your Life

The Three Ways Journaling Could Change Your Life

In 2012, I was in the tight grip of an eating disorder. I started working with a Health Coach whom herself had a past with disordered eating, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The second best decision I made was to start journaling.

I don't believe I would have recovered from my own eating disorder had it not been for my journal. Since that very first day of journalling - 11th of March 2012 to be exact - I have filled countless of journals with my deepest, darkest, weirdest thoughts. I don’t know why I started journalling that day as no one had recommended it to me per se, but I think I was just intuitively drawn to it. Looking back at it, journalling truly was my saving grace. An eating disorder keeps the world small, you know. It ignores the big scary questions and creates a sharp focus in your life: your body weight and shape. But sitting there in front of those empty pages, tears in my eyes… it was the first time in a long time that I got truly honest with myself.