My Sustainable and Toxin-Free Apartment Tour

My Sustainable and Toxin-Free Apartment Tour

A little voice inside of me is screaming “Hypocrite!” as I hit publish on this blog post. The reason for this is that I feel like there are still so many areas in my life where I need/would/could/should be stepping up my game and be a more eco-conscious consumer. Once you start looking into things and question the sustainability of the products you use and the way you live, it’s like you’re opening pandora’s box. The list of changes to make is endless! One example is plastic: once you start assessing where you can cut down on single-use plastic, you realise just how much plastic you are actually surrounded by. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it and it at times feels like there’s no escaping it.

Your Top 5 Burning Questions About The Institute For Integrative Nutrition

Your Top 5 Burning Questions About The Institute For Integrative Nutrition

There seems to be something in the air, because I have been receiving countless emails from you guys lately about what I do as a holistic health coach, how I became a coach and specific questions about The Institute For Integrative Nutrition, the school through which I obtained my holistic health coaching certificate. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I’ve been focusing more on my one-on-one coaching, or maybe because it’s that time of the year where people recommit to their new year resolutions…either way, here are the top 5 burning questions that I see come up over and over again.

5 Bedroom Hacks That Have The Power To Transform Your Sleep | The Koala Edition

5 Bedroom Hacks That Have The Power To Transform Your Sleep | The Koala Edition

I’ve already talked about the importance of quality sleep in previous blog posts, where I touched on the importance of creating a regular circadian rhythm through waking up and going to sleep at the same time each day, getting natural sunlight and exercising preferably in the morning, supplementing with magnesium and keeping your room cool and aired out, just to name a few.

With our recent move from Sydney to Melbourne, Phil and I made a few more mindful decisions when it came to the design of our bedroom and sleep rituals, which I want to share with you today. Implementing some of these tips and habits can hopefully help you to fall asleep faster, stay asleep and most importantly - improve the quality of your sleep. Sleep is essential to your wellness and worth prioritising, and these easy to implement tweaks can make all the difference.

5 Things I've Learnt In Almost 8 Years Of Relationship

5 Things I've Learnt In Almost 8 Years Of Relationship

If you want a plant to grow, you have to water it. You have to tend to it, nourish the soil, give it the right amount of sunlight, protect it from the harsh winds, and give it love and energy every single day. Otherwise it will die. This principle applies to your relationships too. The more love, time and energy you invest in them, and the more consistent your efforts, the more your relationships will grow, open wider and go deeper.

Phil and I are coming up to almost eight years of relationship and

The 5-Min Soul Share: Are We Staying In Australia?

The 5-Min Soul Share: Are We Staying In Australia?

Living with uncertainty feels uncomfortable, like that sensation you get when an episode of your favourite series ends and you are left with a cliff hanger. The kicker is - this was the season finale and you have to wait for months to figure out how it all ends. Just on a big, life-as-you-know-it threatening scale. This is how I have felt since the beginning of 2019.

The 5-Min Soul Share: Major Life Updates

The 5-Min Soul Share: Major Life Updates

Have you ever found yourself in a place or a season of change that left you with more questions than answers? How do you navigate through the uncertainty when you just don’t know what the future holds?

I’m currently finding myself in this exact situation. While everyone else is busy chasing their new year resolutions and seems to have their 2019 plan of attack perfectly mapped out, my world has been turned upside down.

Long story short, but essentially Phil’s and my Australian visa runs out on the 15thof March and we don’t have a backup plan. Our initial hope was for me to get sponsored through my work, but that fell through as my current job in a brand entertainment/social agency isn’t relevant enough to my Bachelor studies. I found out the week before the Christmas holidays, and ever since I’ve been in literal panic mode. We have talked to and met with multiple lawyers, thought through every single option, drawn up pro and con lists for each scenario…

Why I support ethical brands like Pukka Herbs

Why I support ethical brands like Pukka Herbs

A decade ago, buying organic tea, activated nuts and kombucha used to only be possible in hippie health food stores. But in the last couple of years, lots has changed and more and more health, sustainability and eco-conscious brands have gone from niche to mainstream.

And 2018 has seen lots of changes! From being able to find healthy bliss balls at 7/11 to my go-to superfoods and organic Pukka teas being stocked at Coles, some of my favourite brands have been catapulted into the mainstream domaine. These brands are shaking off the tag of exclusivity once associated with the wellbeing sectors and are making themselves accessible to everyone.

18 Things You Might Not Know About Me

18 Things You Might Not Know About Me

My first blog post on the new website yeeeew! Some of you may be following me since the beginning, but there’s a few new faces around (hiiiii) so I thought I’d share a bit more about myself on here.

If you have more questions, feel free to comment below and I’d love to answer!

  1. I speak three languages and have never lived in one place for more than three years at a time. I’ve had the amazing privilege of calling Germany, Switzerland, Paris, London, Dubai, the US and now Australia, my home.

  2. I work full-time for a brand entertainment agency whilst having my own health coaching business and wellness blog on the side. The side hustle is real!

  3. My favourite motto to live by is: “You don’t have the be the same person you were five minutes ago.” This quote has accompanied me from the beginning of my recovery journey. It reminds me to not fall into the “all or nothing mentality” and that I am in control of my mindset at all times.

Let's Talk About Sleep, Baby

Let's Talk About Sleep, Baby

You can sleep when you’re dead.”

“There is no rest for the weary.”

In today’s society sleep is totally underrated. In fact, sleep deprivation is almost worn as a badge of honour. I hear people bragging about how they pulled an all-nighter or get away with sleeping 4 hours a night all the time. I used to be one of them.

But the truth is, in order for you to perform to the best of your ability you need to get deep, restorative rest every single night. The average person needs between 7-8 hours of rest each night, and the mountain of studies proving this fact is undeniable.

What You Can Do With A Coaching Degree From IIN

What You Can Do With A Coaching Degree From IIN

As many of you know, I studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and qualified as a Health Coach in 2016. Every week I get emails and DM’s from you guys asking me for feedback and advice on IIN, so I thought it beneficial to offer some more unbiased and authentic opinion on the pros and cons of the course and offer an insight into where a path in health coaching can take you.

I did write a lengthy blog post last year outlining all the general information about the course like what the program entails, duration, cost, time commitment etc, so definitely have a read through that bit first if you are serious about learning more.

How To Navigate Love And Eating Disorders

How To Navigate Love And Eating Disorders

For about two years, I struggled with my inner daemons on my own.

That is, with my eating disorder, of course.

It was a debilitating feeling, knowing that no one else knew that side of me. I wanted to let someone in, but at the same time I couldn’t think of anything worse than someone finding out the truth.

When I finally found someone who I could confide in – and who didn’t seem to care in the slightest that I had “issues” – it changed the way I dealt with my problems. I finally let someone in. That person was Phil.